Category Archives: Administrivia

Capnography resources

Quick head’s up:  If you don’t know it already, capnography is one of the most powerful tools in airway management.  In the process of collating some pre-learning material for a workshop, I realised that I was gathering quite a few nice resources on capnography.  To save you the time, I’ve linked them together on a new Capnography page here on OpenAirway.  There are online tutorials, an interactive quiz, reference waveforms, and dynamic videos to be found. Please feel free to suggest further resources in the links!

Site updates: Courses & Lectures

Some updates to the site to improve your access and experience!  The various courses which are on offer in conjunction with the UCT Department of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine have been added to a new ‘Courses & Lectures‘ page here on OpenAirway, which also now includes links to the content and resources available from many of our previous workshops, courses and congress meetings, as well as a collection of the lectures that are available online.  These are being added to steadily, but if you can’t find something, use the search function on the tool bar!  The menu has also been update to make the various items easier to find.

Airway Abbreviations

Herewith a collaborative effort from the airway Twitterati to establish a list of common airway abbreviations:

  • AFOI  –  Awake fibre-optic (or flexible optic) intubation
  • ApOX  –  Apnoeic Oxygenation
  • BB  –  Bronchial blocker
  • BVM  –  Bag/Valve/Mask device (see BVMR)
  • BVMR  –  Bag/Valve/Mask/Reservoir device (see BVM)
  • CICO  –  Can’t intubate, can’t oxygenate  (see CICV)
  • CICV  –  Can’t intubate, can’t ventilation (CICO now in use)
  • CL  –  Cormack-Lehane grade
  • DL  –  Direct laryngoscopy
  • DLT  –  Double-lumen endobronchial tube
  • DSI  –  Delayed sequence induction
  • ESA  –  Emegency Surgical Airway (see FONA)
  • ETI  –  Endotracheal intubation
  • ETT  –  Endotracheal tube
  • EtCO2  –  End-tital carbon dioxide
  • EXIT  –  EX-utero Intrapartum Treatment
  • FB  –  Foreign body
  • FETO  –  Fetal Endoscopic Tracheal Occlusion (or Fetoscopic EndoTracheal Occlusion)
  • FiO2  –  Fraction of inspired oxygen
  • FOI  –  Fibre-optic intubation
  • FONA  –  Front-of-neck access (see ESA)
  • LA  –  Local anaesthetic
  • LMA  –  Laryngeal Mask Airway (trade name, see SGA etc)
  • MAD  –  Mucosal Atomisation Device
  • MP  –  Mallampati grade
  • NPA  –  Nasopharyngeal airway
  • NODESAT – Nasal Oxygenation During Efforts at Secuing A Tube
  • OPA  –  Oropharyngeal airway
  • PLA  –  Perilayngeal airway
  • RSI  –  Rapid sequence induction
  • SAD  –  Supraglottic airway device (see SGA, EGA, XGA)
  • SGA  –  Supraglottic airway (see SAD, EGA, XGA)
  • THRIVE  –  Transnasal, Humidified, Rapid-Insufflatory Ventilatory Exchange
  • VL  –  Video layngoscopy
  • XGA  –  Extraglottic airway (see EGA, SAD, SGA)

Contributions/comments?  DM @openaiwayorg or @rosshofmeyr

Thanks to @AirwayMxAcademy for initiating the idea!

Bristol Advanced Simulation Instructor Masterclass (BASIM) in Cape Town

Although not an airway course, we have been greatly influenced by the methods used in BASIM for creating and undertaking airway simulations.  Highly recommended course presented by the master Dr David Grant himself.

More information about the course can be found on the BMSC site here.  To register for the workshops in Cape Town in March 2017, click this link.


Algorithms page updated

It’s always a challenge to stay up to date in the field of airway management, but we do try.  The recently published All Indian Difficult Airway Association Guidelines (just released in the December 2016 edition of IJA) have been added to our Algorithms page, as well as an update of the Vortex 2 video and revised links to the Resuscitation Council of South Africa algorithms.  If you spot missing algorithms or broken links, please comment!

Tweaks and updates

Some edits and new content on the go here at OpenAirway:

  • SASA Airway Guidelines (published December 2014 but only distributed in March 2015) added to the Algorithms page
  • Great visual cognitive aid on plans for the unanticipated difficult airway from NHS Lanarkshire (via the Scottish Airway Group) added to the Algorithms page
  • More Airway Twitterati links
  • More Airway Web Resources links
  • Back-end updates to the page functioning and infrastructure
  • Keep watching this space…and your comments/content is welcome!

Here we go…

Welcome to OpenAirway!  We have just got the domain and page up and running, and will be adding content thick and fast over the next few weeks.  Exciting times!  If you have material or resources to suggest (anything out there that is open access), please send a mail or make a comment with the address.