Some new devices/monitors such as the Glidescope Core or Storz CMAC 8404 now allow viewing two video feeds on one display, either as a “picture-in-picture” or side-by-side display. Here is a demo of split-screen dual endoscopy with Macintosh-blade VL and optical stylet:
Category Archives: Video laryngoscopy
DAS 2021 – Awake Video Laryngoscopy
Selected references can be accessed online via the links here. If you are unable to access a reference, or wish to download a larger set for furhter reading, please click the link for the archive at the bottom.
- Jarvi K, Hillermann C, Danha R, Mendonca C. Awake intubation with the Pentax Airway Scope. Anaesthesia. 2011;66(4):314.
- Rosenstock CV, Thogersen B, Afshari A, Christensen AL, Eriksen C, Gatke MR. Awake fiberoptic or awake video laryngoscopic tracheal intubation in patients with anticipated difficult airway management: a randomized clinical trial. Anesthesiology. 2012;116(6):1210-6.
- Kramer A, Muller D, Pfortner R, Mohr C, Groeben H. Fibreoptic vs videolaryngoscopic (C-MAC((R)) D-BLADE) nasal awake intubation under local anaesthesia. Anaesthesia. 2015;70(4):400-6.
- Lohse JA, Piepho T, Noppens RR. Awake video laryngoscopy – A revolution in the management of the anticipated difficult airway? Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care. 2016;6:37-42.
- Markova L, Stopar-Pintaric T, Luzar T, Benedik J, Hodzovic I. A feasibility study of awake videolaryngoscope-assisted intubation in patients with periglottic tumour using the channelled King Vision((R)) videolaryngoscope. Anaesthesia. 2017;72(4):512-8.
- Fitzgerald E, Hodzovic I, Smith AF. ‘From darkness into light’: time to make awake intubation with videolaryngoscopy the primary technique for an anticipated difficult airway? Anaesthesia. 2015;70(4):387-92.
- Mendonca C, Mesbah A, Velayudhan A, Danha R. A randomised clinical trial comparing the flexible fibrescope and the Pentax Airway Scope (AWS)((R)) for awake oral tracheal intubation. Anaesthesia. 2016;71(8):908-14.
- Moosajee V, Douglas S, Hodzovi I. Awake videolaryngoscopy. Australasian Anaesthesia 2017 pp. 3-11.
- Alhomary M, Ramadan E, Curran E, Walsh SR. Videolaryngoscopy vs. fibreoptic bronchoscopy for awake tracheal intubation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Anaesthesia. 2018;73(9):1151-61.
- Desai N, Ratnayake G, Onwochei DN, El-Boghdadly K, Ahmad I. Airway devices for awake tracheal intubation in adults: a systematic review and network meta-analysis. Br J Anaesth. 2021;127(4):636-47.
- Wilson WM, Smith AF. The emerging role of awake videolaryngoscopy in airway management. Anaesthesia. 2018;73(9):1058-61.
- Jiang J, Ma DX, Li B, Wu AS, Xue FS. Videolaryngoscopy versus fiberoptic bronchoscope for awake intubation – a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2018;14:1955-63.
- Moore A, Schricker T. Awake videolaryngoscopy versus fiberoptic bronchoscopy. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol. 2019;32(6):764-8.
- Ahmad I, El-Boghdadly K, Bhagrath R, Hodzovic I, McNarry AF, Mir F, et al. Difficult Airway Society guidelines for awake tracheal intubation (ATI) in adults. Anaesthesia. 2020;75(4):509-28.
- Leslie D, Stacey M. Awake intubation. Continuing Education in Anaesthesia Critical Care & Pain. 2015;15(2):64-7.
- Aziz M. Advances in Laryngoscopy. F1000Res. 2015;4:F1000 Faculty Rev-1410. Published 2015 Dec 8. doi:10.12688/f1000research.7045.1
- Ahmad I, Bailey CR. Time to abandon awake fibreoptic intubation? Anaesthesia 2016;71:3-16. DOI: 10.1111/anae.13333
- Nabecker S, Ottenhausen T, Theiler L, Braun M, Greif R, Riva T. Prospective observational study evaluating the C-MAC Video Stylet for awake tracheal intubation: a single-center study. Minerva Anestesiol. 2021;87(8):873-879. doi:10.23736/S0375-9393.21.15302-7
If you’re struggling access the articles above or would like an EndNote library and further references, you can access a share folder here.
A brief video describing a challenging case managed with awake VL using the CMAC Video Stylet is shown below. (Video prepared for the 2021 Virtual Guy’s Airway Management Course)

COVID Airways Podcast on Critical Care Scenarios
I was honoured to be invited back on the Critical Care Scenarios (@icuscenarios) podcast, to chat this time about airway management in COVID-19, but also talking about how it’s helping to focus improving our emergency airway management in general. Check it out at this link:

AEIOU Workshop, May 2021
Dual endoscopy demo
Here’s a brief clinical example of dual endoscopy using the CMAC VL and VS (video stylet). This case was performed for teaching purposes, rather than a difficult airway. Note the endoscopic view appearing as a picture-in-picture is from the editing; the images are on two separate displays. (It starts a little late due to the author forgetting to press the record button on the device).
Dual endoscopy
“Dual endoscopy” refers to using two devices – usually a video laryngoscope and a rigid or flexible endoscope – to manage an airway. The Bonfils (or Shikani or Levitan) optical stylet is often used in this context. Performing dual endoscopy provides “three levels of protection”:
- If the glottic opening is easily seen with the laryngoscope, the rigid endoscope simply acts as an ideally shaped or steerable stylet to introduce the tube
- If the view is poor (CL grade 3 or 4), the laryngoscope can be used to guide the tip of the ETT and endoscope “into the ballpark”, and then the final positioning of the tip of the tube through the vocal cords is achieved with the endoscope.
- If the airway is badly soiled or swollen (eg. ongoing bleeding or angioedema), the endoscope can be used as a lightwand for a transillumination technique. (Remember lightwands, anyone?)
Here’s a brief informal video explaining the first two points, using the CMAC VL/VS:
Another dual endoscopy approach is “VAFI” (video-assisted flexible/fibreoptic intubation), where a VL is used to help place a flexible endoscope, whereafter the rest of the intubation is continued using the flexible. Several good case reports of this technique are described in the literature.
Here’s a brief clinical example of dual endoscopy using the CMAC VL and VS (video stylet). This case was performed for teaching purposes, rather than a difficult airway. Note the endoscopic view appearing as a picture-in-picture is from the editing; the images are on two separate displays. (It starts a little late due to the author forgetting to press the record button on the device).
Some of the newest devices (eg. CMAC 8404; Glidescope Core monitors) allow both images to be displayed on the screen simultaneously, either as a “picture in picture” view, or side by side. If using the latter, orientating the images so that the VL is on the left and endoscope on the right is convenient, as this matches the two hands being used. Here’s an example, again in a patient with an easy airway, but simulating CL3 view:
VLVids: Intubation in Spinal Immobilisation
Clinical video demonstrating a collection of techniques to facilitate elective intubation for a patient with an unstable cervical spinal injury in caliper traction. Note the sideways introduction of the VL blade due to limited space for the VL handle, optimisation of the view (‘Rule of 3’), use of a coude-tipped bougie (introducer), and the 3-part technique to advance the endotracheal tube when it catches on the arytenoid cartilage (pull tube back to disengage, rotate 90 degrees counterclockwise, advance tube).
VLVids: Airtraq intubation using a bougie
Demonstration of an unhurried intubation using a bougie preloaded in the reinforced endotracheal tube in an Airtraq optical laryngoscope with Airtraq Cam video adapter. You can note ideal positioning of the Airtraq (“Rule of 3”) and the steering ability of a coude-tipped bougie.
NAPEM’17: Paediatric Difficult Airway in the ED
As promised/per usual, here’s my presentation from the current National Assembly on Paediatric Emergency Medicine, being held now (16-19 Feb 2017) at the Apollo Institute of Medical Sciences & Research, Hyderabad, India. Much of the content is in the audio, of course…which I will post if/when available.
Comments welcome below as usual!
Understanding airway geometry: Brainchildren of Dr Kenneth Greenland
One of the greatest influences on my understanding of the geometry of the airways, and thereby the technical skills and processes required to place airway devices of all types, has been the work on publications of Dr Kenneth Greenland. Greenland’s publication in the BJA in 2010 should be required reading for anybody who performs intubation. However, if you want to really understand theories of the airway curves and columns, I highly recommend getting it from the horses mouth. Here below are several videos in which can Greenland explains his thinking and theories. While they are a little longer than your average #FOAM material, I cannot recommend them strongly enough.