Tag Archives: uct anaesthesia

EMGuidance App

OpenAirway has been collaborating with the UCT Department of Anaesthesia & Perioperative Medicine and the Southern African Society of Anaesthesiologists to include anaesthesia guidelines and reference materials in the Essential Medical Guidance (EMGuidance) app.  Although only currently targeted at South African medics, this free app is accessible to all registered medical practitioners, and includes georeferenced guidelines from around the country.  The content is continually being updated, with some exciting new developments just around the corner.



Get the app on EMGuidance.com

Video: Aintree intubation technique

Technique for using the Aintree Intubating Catheter (AIC) to exchange between a supraglottic airway (SGA) and endotracheal tube (ETT).  This is typically required when an airway has been ‘rescued’ with an SGA that is not designed for direct intubation, with a narrow internal diameter or obstructions.  The Aintree has a length of 55cm, internal diameter of 4.8 mm (not 4.2 as stated in the video) and external diameter of 6.0 mm, allowing a paediatric fibrescope or flexible intubating vide endoscope (preferably 4 mm or less) to be passed through the AIC, into the trachea, and then an ETT railroaded after removal of the SGA over the AIC.  If that sounds confusing, watch the video!

Tips/tricks/advice/critique?  Leave a comment!

The Difficult Airway Society (DAS) have a nice poster guide to help you remember how to do this – click the image below to open/download. (Open access).

DAS AIC Guideline - Click image to download PDF directly.
DAS AIC Guideline – Click image to download PDF directly.
