Here are some real-life examples of Cormack-Lehane classification of laryngoscopic view taken with a video laryngoscope. Although initially described for direct laryngoscopy in obstetric patients, it is a useful descriptive system in many settings, but is frequently misreported and/or misunderstood. We will continue to expand the set as we collect good images.
Original and revised (Yentis & Lee, 1998) CL grading:

Colour-coded to make it a little easier to read:
…and here from the CoPilot VL material, a more anatomically-correct sketch which shows the distinction between 2a and 2b clearly:
Cormack-Lehane 2a:
See the original article by RS Cormack and J Lehane in Anaesthesia, 1994;(39):1105-1111.
Various modifications to this scheme have been proposed for use with video laryngoscopy (VL), including suggestions by Cook and Fremantle: