@fibroanestesia comes up with some interesting ideas. Here they use a combination of the AScope3 (a disposable flexible video endoscope) and the King Vision video laryngoscope to perform a highly controlled intubation in a patient with an intrathoracic goitre. They have obviously pre-assessed this patient and concluded that the risk of failed intubation or positional loss of the intrathoracic airway due to compression is minimal.
The TotalTrack is a new video laryngeal mask that allows intubation through the device without interruption of ventilation. Recruitment of the first independent clinical trial is well underway in Cape Town, with European studies nearing commencement. Here is an example video taken with the device, showing intubation in a patient with severe obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA).
This common problem is worst with small bougies, such as in this paediatric example of a child with severe burns and a difficult airway. The bevel of the ETT allows the tip of the tube to stick out right (laterally) of the bougie and snag on the right arytenoid cartilage. This can be remedied by withdrawing the ETT slightly (to disengage it from the arytenoid), effecting a one-quarter counter-clockwise rotation of the ETT on the bougie (bringing the bevel and tip of the ETT into a superior midline position snug with the bougie), and then advancing again.