What a great idea. Consume, rather than be consumed by your fears 😉 Credit to Rob Bryant and his team.
TotalTrack for Intubation in OSA
The TotalTrack is a new video laryngeal mask that allows intubation through the device without interruption of ventilation. Recruitment of the first independent clinical trial is well underway in Cape Town, with European studies nearing commencement. Here is an example video taken with the device, showing intubation in a patient with severe obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA).
Bougie-assisted intubation snagging on arytenoid
This common problem is worst with small bougies, such as in this paediatric example of a child with severe burns and a difficult airway. The bevel of the ETT allows the tip of the tube to stick out right (laterally) of the bougie and snag on the right arytenoid cartilage. This can be remedied by withdrawing the ETT slightly (to disengage it from the arytenoid), effecting a one-quarter counter-clockwise rotation of the ETT on the bougie (bringing the bevel and tip of the ETT into a superior midline position snug with the bougie), and then advancing again.
The Elaine Bromiley Case
Kudos to both Nicholas Chrimes and the Bromiley family for this excellent learning resource. Free lessons stemming from the bravery and compassion of others.
Supraglottic-guided intubation through 3gLM
Blinded intubation through the 3gLM SGA, as viewed by a video endoscope riding inside a Parker Flex-Tip ETT.
How serious are we about airway management?
This serious: