Some photos of the action at the Nairobi Surgical Skills Centre this week. Many thanks to the local faculty from the University of Nairobi and other institutions, the companies that supported use of the facilities and equipment, and the enthusiastic delegates!
Resources and notes from the course are available on the course page here.
Frerk et al’s article on the 2015 guidelines is available from the BJA here (open access), and the excellent recent editorial on front-of-neck access by Timmerman, Chrimes and Hagberg is here. This is not in the notes, as it has only just been published online.
Herewith the presentation that Ross cobbled together for the candidates preparing for anaesthesia finals, to give an idea of the trends and new tools in airway management at the current time. Mostly pictures, but the lecture notes (with all the references) can be downloaded as a PDF here: