Tag Archives: foam

Airway Abbreviations

Herewith a collaborative effort from the airway Twitterati to establish a list of common airway abbreviations:

  • AFOI  –  Awake fibre-optic (or flexible optic) intubation
  • ApOX  –  Apnoeic Oxygenation
  • BB  –  Bronchial blocker
  • BVM  –  Bag/Valve/Mask device (see BVMR)
  • BVMR  –  Bag/Valve/Mask/Reservoir device (see BVM)
  • CICO  –  Can’t intubate, can’t oxygenate  (see CICV)
  • CICV  –  Can’t intubate, can’t ventilation (CICO now in use)
  • CL  –  Cormack-Lehane grade
  • DL  –  Direct laryngoscopy
  • DLT  –  Double-lumen endobronchial tube
  • DSI  –  Delayed sequence induction
  • ESA  –  Emegency Surgical Airway (see FONA)
  • ETI  –  Endotracheal intubation
  • ETT  –  Endotracheal tube
  • EtCO2  –  End-tital carbon dioxide
  • EXIT  –  EX-utero Intrapartum Treatment
  • FB  –  Foreign body
  • FETO  –  Fetal Endoscopic Tracheal Occlusion (or Fetoscopic EndoTracheal Occlusion)
  • FiO2  –  Fraction of inspired oxygen
  • FOI  –  Fibre-optic intubation
  • FONA  –  Front-of-neck access (see ESA)
  • LA  –  Local anaesthetic
  • LMA  –  Laryngeal Mask Airway (trade name, see SGA etc)
  • MAD  –  Mucosal Atomisation Device
  • MP  –  Mallampati grade
  • NPA  –  Nasopharyngeal airway
  • NODESAT – Nasal Oxygenation During Efforts at Secuing A Tube
  • OPA  –  Oropharyngeal airway
  • PLA  –  Perilayngeal airway
  • RSI  –  Rapid sequence induction
  • SAD  –  Supraglottic airway device (see SGA, EGA, XGA)
  • SGA  –  Supraglottic airway (see SAD, EGA, XGA)
  • THRIVE  –  Transnasal, Humidified, Rapid-Insufflatory Ventilatory Exchange
  • VL  –  Video layngoscopy
  • XGA  –  Extraglottic airway (see EGA, SAD, SGA)

Contributions/comments?  DM @openaiwayorg or @rosshofmeyr

Thanks to @AirwayMxAcademy for initiating the idea!

#badEM: My Best & Biggest Blunders

While not exclusively airway themed, this talk for the #badEM symposium in September 2016 addresses the concepts of making mistakes in medicine, and how to make them meaningful.  badEM are a shining light in South African #FOAM, and I’m very grateful for the invitation to speak and share at their event.  For more info and pearls from the talk, see their page here.  The podcast is shared below.


If you’ve found OpenAirway by search or accident, and the concept of #FOAM (Free, Open-Access Meducation) is new to you, then you’ll find the following video enlightening.  The SMACC (Social Media And Critical Care) meeting is the yearly gathering of #FOAM enthusiasts, although it’s spiritual home, arguably, is within the ether of the Internet.  OpenAirway was proud to be represented at SMACC this year in Dublin – truly an opportunity to interact, connect and be inspired by the best minds in acute and critical care from all disciplines.