Material for PACSA 2016 Paediatric Difficult Airways & Lung Separation Workshop. Wander in here and wondering what PACSA could possibly be? You can find out more here, or about the 2016 PACSA conference in Bloemfontein here.
Before you do anything, please take the pre-assessment quiz here:
Resources to help you prepare for the workshop, or review afterwards:
- DAS/APA Guideline of Difficult Mask Ventilation in children 1-8 years of age
- DAS/APA Gudieline on Unanticipated Difficult Intubation in children 1- 8 years of age
- DAS/APA Guideline on Cannot Intubate/Cannot Oxygenate in children 1-8 years of age
- Our resource on the sizes of supraglottic airways for different sizes of patients, and what ETTs will fit through them.
- How to do flexible-endoscope guided intubation through an SGA.
- Online bronschoscopy simulator (
Paediatric difficult airway reference materials
Paediatric OLV reference materials
Skills videos on specific equipment:
- Airtraq optical laryngoscope (see the paeds-specific video examples further down the page)
- Skills for flexible endoscopic intubation
- Bonfils and other rigid endoscopes
Useful tables:
(Sourced from above collection and used with appreciation for quick reference in the operating theatre):
Airway dimensions in children. (Source: Hammer, Fizmorris, Brodsky 1999)
![Single-lument ETT dimensions. (Source: Hammer, Fizmorris, Brodsky 1999](
![Univent and DLT dimensions. (Source: Hammer, Fizmorris, Brodsky 1999](
![Appropriate endotracheal tubes, bronchial blockers, Univent and double-lumen tubes for different age range patients. (Source: ATOTW 322, ex Cote 2013)](