Paediatric OLV

Herewith some resources originally collated for the PACSA Paediatric Difficult Airways & Lung Separation Workshop.  Wander in here and wondering what PACSA could possibly be?  You can find out more here.

Introductory Presentation:

Resources to help you:

Paediatric difficult airway reference materials
Paediatric OLV reference materials

Skills videos on specific equipment:

Useful tables:

(Sourced from above collection and used with appreciation for quick reference in the operating theatre):

Airway dimensions in children. (Source: Hammer, Fizmorris, Brodsky 1999)

Airway dimensions in children. (Source: Hammer, Fizmorris, Brodsky 1999)

Single-lument ETT dimensions. (Source: Hammer, Fizmorris, Brodsky 1999
Single-lument ETT dimensions. (Source: Hammer, Fizmorris, Brodsky 1999
Univent and DLT dimensions. (Source: Hammer, Fizmorris, Brodsky 1999
Univent and DLT dimensions. (Source: Hammer, Fizmorris, Brodsky 1999
Appropriate endotracheal tubes, bronchial blockers, Univent and double-lumen tubes for different age range patients. (Source: ATOTW 322, ex Cote 2013)
Appropriate endotracheal tubes, bronchial blockers, Univent and double-lumen tubes for different age range patients. (Source: ATOTW 322, ex Cote 2013)
Univent ETT diameters


Have more useful resources?  Please suggest them in the comments below!

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