On this page you will find some material to help you prepare for the half day airway workshop hosted by OpenAirway and the UCT Department of Anaesthesia & Perioperative Medicine, held at the UCT Clinical Skills Laboratory at Groote Schuur Hospital. All of the materials herein are openly accessible, and will remain at your disposal after the workshop. Please feel free to add your thoughts and comments below. Furthermore, there are plenty of other resources spread throughout this website. If there’s something you would like to see, drop us a line.
You can view the Elaine Bromiley video produced by SimPact and used as a case study on the workshop here:
The two most recently published guidelines for unanticipated difficulty in airway management are the 2015 edition of the Difficult Airway Society’s guidelines, and the Vortex Approach. It is recommended that you familiarise yourself with one (or both) of these approaches for use as a cognitive aid in the case of an emergency. Workshop will make use of either interchangeably.
DAS Algorithm Resources:
- 2015 Guideline on Unanticipated Difficult Intubation (PDF)
- DAS 2015 Guidelines article in the BJA (2015)
- DAS Guidelines App on iOS (Apple) and Google Play (Android)
Vortex Approach Resources:
- Vortex Approach homepage, with plenty of other materials.
- Vortex article in the BJA special airway edition (2016)
- Vortex eBook download on SmashWords and on iBooks (first version (V1); new edition expected soon).
Video Tutorials for Worship Skills Stations
watching the following short videos will help you prepare for the skill stations at the workshop:
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