Core Airway Skills

This popular two day workshop was developed by the well-known airway expert, anaesthesiologist, flight doctor and former paramedic, Dr John Roos, and features new additions and updates.  It includes prelearning, targeted lectures, hands-on skills and equipment training, and simulated airway cases.  Aimed at prehospital, emergency department and critical care practitioners, it is also a great primer for those starting out in anaesthesia.  Material covered includes everything from face-mask ventilation to surgical airways, special cases, airway adjuncts and rescue devices, drugs for RSI, and an introduction to the big debates in airway management.

The content of this workshop is delivered in the form of short lectures, skills stations and simulation.  Due to the scope of the content, it is impossible to cover every single aspect during the duration of the workshop, but it is accompanied by an in-depth manual written exclusively for the South African environment.

As prelearning, it will be of benefit to you to browse the Airway Devices & Techniques pages here on OpenAirway, and to have a good look at some of the skills videos below:

Supraglottic Airways

Adjuncts, Alternatives & Rescue Airway Devices

Rescue intubation through supraglottics

Front-of-Neck Access



Dept Anaesthesia & Perioperative Medicine

Open access meducation for all aspects of airway management