Anaesthesia FOAM

FOAMA reference list of FOAM (Free Open-Access Meducation) sites focusing on the field of anaesthesia is being populated here.  Please make suggestions in the comments! is aimed at all medical practitioners who perform airway management, and aims to be completely cross-discipline, but we’ve recognised that anaesthesia is trailing behind in the #FOAM movement.  There is an excellent overview and list of general, emergency medicine and critical care FOAM sites on LITFL.  If you’re looking for anaesthesia-focussed content, here are some sites you should try out:

  • Airway Management Acadamy Media Library – a good collection of videos with an airway focus.
  • Anaestricks – “All the cool anaesthetic tricks that aren’t in the books.  Well, they might be, but who reads books anyway?”
  • GasExchange – Q&A style in discursive articles on all topics.
  • GasDoc2857 – “Ramblings from a gasdoc with interests in #anaesthesia, #intensivecare, #echo, #phem and #FOAM
  • ICE-TAP – The International Consortium for EEG Training of Anesthesia Practitioners
  • MonashAnaesthesia – #gasfoam from the home of the Vortex Approach
  • Propofology has a great set of infographics on a wide range of anaesthesia topics, as well as a good list of other resources.

The World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists (WFSA) publishes a nearly-weekly resource called Anaesthesia Tutorial of the Week (ATOTW), which frequently covers airway topics at a variety of levels of detail.  Some good examples are:

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Open access meducation for all aspects of airway management