OpenAirway is a web resource dedicated to free, open-access medical education materials pertaining to all aspects of airway management. While not directly under the auspices of the University, it is endorsed and supported by the Department of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town.
This site is under continuous development and population with new info, so please check back regularly.
Unless otherwise attributed, images and video clips on this site were collected during our routine work with patient consent, and have had all reasonable identifying data removed.
You may presume that if we have shared content here, it is free to use under a Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-AS (attribution, non-commercial, share-alike) license. Please give recognition and attribution to the people who have created content, and hold us to the same standard!
If you have material or resources to suggest, please mail or comment!
Thanks for an amazing website.
At The Capital Region of Denmark, we are trying to build an adaptive piece of e-learning, concerning airway management.
In that regard we would very much like to use some of the pictures shown on your site.
Can you tell us whether that will be a problem?
Best regards
Snorre Rubin
Hi Snorre,
We would love to collaborate, especially if we can share the results. I will send you an email so that we can start the ball rolling. Thanks for your interest, kind words, and support!
Hi Ross:
I have been seeing your posts for a time, but never search the page. I really appreciate the fantastic work you are doing. I also received the mail inviting to the Collaborative ENT/Anesthesia shared airway workshop. Great idea!
I will keep surfing your site and maybe a light could turn on in my mind.
Ricardo Urtubia
Santiago, Chile
Thanks Ricardo – it is a labour of love to keep the page going and fresh content arriving, but if people like you are engaging and finding it useful, it makes it very worthwhile. Warm regards from your southern compatriot!